Autumn Quotes

Angie Weiland-Crosby | Artworks

Autumn Quotes

Excerpt from Mom Soul Soothers Blog

Today, I wish to enchant and deepen your soul with some autumn quotes. At an early age, I fell in love with the season. I collected jewel-toned leaves, created imaginative leaf houses, and jumped in hefty leaf piles. Surely, the fall season inspired me on a creative level. But it also spoke to me somewhere deep in my soul, even as a young girl.

Through adulthood, my love for nature as a teacher and muse expanded. I used the seasons as a tool for soul-work. After all, they mirror humanity and our journey from the spring blossom of birth to the winter finale of death. Studying nature not only renders peace, but insight.

Whenever I feel life is traveling too quickly and loaded with one too many stressors, I look to my autumnal season to ground me. It reflects the wisdom and rhythm of middle-age. I then seek to emulate it with grace.

Featured below are beautiful nature images alongside quotes from some of my favorite writers, as well as my own. Soothe your soul and admire fall’s poise, depth, and wonder all at once.

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Angie Weiland-Crosby

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